PFF on the Film-Philosophy Conference in Sweden

The Philosophical Film Festival this year had the great pleasure to attend the international Film-Philosophy Conference taking place at the University of Gothenburg, Sweden (3-5 July 2018).
More than 100 university professors, scholars and doctoral students attended the conference, some from the area of philosophy and the humanities, and others from film and visual studies. With six keynotes (Catherine Wheatley, King’s College London; Eugenie Brinkema,MIT; Aparna Sharma, UCLA; Maja Borg, Swedish filmmaker; Emma Wilson, University of Cambridge и Kriss Ravetto Biagioli, UC Davis), many thought-provoking panels (e.g. Ethics and Aesthetics; Denis; Narrative Intervention, Pop Culture and Posthumanism; Lanthimos; Ethics and Contemporary Media etc.), projections of video essays and films, as well as interesting workshops on the teaching of film-philosophy, intersectoral film phenomenologies and curation of events/festivals in this area – the conference was a three-day intensive exchange of knowledge, experienceс and practices in the area of film-philosophy.
We are very happy that on the conference also attended a Macedonian doctoral student from Northwestern University in the USA, Tamara Tasevska, and also our guest on PFF 2018 in the Special Screenings: Film meets Philosophy, Hannah Paveck from KCL working on Claire Denis.
We are very thankful to Dr. Anna Backman Rogers, the 2018 conference director, Dr. Richard Rushton, the conference manager and all the conference committee for organizing this great international conference. We are hoping to open up some interesting topics on the 9. Philosophical Film Festival next May, 2019 in Macedonia, but also to see more people in the coming years from the Global South, working and researching in this area and being able to present their work on this international conference dedicated to the engagement between film studies and philosophy.
The next conference will take place at the University of Brighton in the UK ( Until than, follow the open access Film-Philosophy Journal and keep on discovering new perspectives through film and philosophy: